
Gold Efficacy test

Discover the effectiveness on the skin immediately after the treatment and 24 hours away

Gold Efficacy test

Discover the effectiveness on the skin immediately after the treatment and 24 hours away

The effectiveness of the treatment using 24K Beauty Gold leaf in combination with Rich Cream Base is confirmed by the results of thorough instrumental, clinical and self-assessment laboratory testing.
The anti-ageing, lifting, brightening and nourishing effect has been the subject of objective evaluations (instrumental approach) that attest to a significant reduction in the average depth of wrinkles (-8.8% immediately after treatment and – 5.8 at 24 hours), a much smoother texture (-14% of wrinkles) and over 16% more in skin hydration.
The data is also seen in subjective evaluations.
People who have undergone the treatment agree that their skin is softer, smoother, hydrated, revitalized and radiant.

Immediately after treatment

One hour after treatment with pure gold leaf and 3 ml of Rich Cream Base fluid cream applied to the entire face, objective evaluations (standardised instrumental approach) attest to:

  • a significant reduction in average wrinkle depth (-8.8%)
  • a consistently smoother texture (- 14% of wrinkles)
  • a significant increase in skin hydration (+16.3%)

This data is also seen in subjective evaluations. The people who had the beauty treatment all agreed that their skin was softer, smoother, hydrated, revitalised and radiant.

In particular, those who filled out the questionnaire pointed out that the skin on their faces:

  • is smoother: 100%
  • is softer: 100%
  • is more uniform: 100%
  • is brighter/more radiant: 90%
  • appears better looking: 95%
  • is more hydrated: 95%
  • is revitalised: 95%
  • appears less tired: 90%
  • appears less dull: 90%

24 hours after treatment

The benefits of the 24K GOLD RITUAL skincare treatment are evident even the day after application.

Instrumental assessments document:

  • a significant reduction in average wrinkle depth (-5.8%)
  • consistently smoother texture (- 8.9% of wrinkles)
  • a significant increase in skin hydration (7.4%)

Also, the questionnaires filled out by people who enjoyed the Beauty Gold leaf treatment with 3 ml of Rich Cream Base attested that their skin felt more pleasant to the touch, taut, hydrated, vital and radiant.

In particular, the subjective evaluation 24 hours after the application of 24K GOLD RITUAL showed showed the treatment to:

  • be pleasant and satisfying: 100%
  • be an experience they would like to repeat: 100%
  • be moisturising: 100%
  • have increased radiance: 90%
  • have good anti-age efficacy: 90%